I want to fly from to


The following is a list of all airports in Australia.
Some of these will be military airports, or very minor airports, without scheduled services.
Airport nameAirport codeCityCountryNumber of Routes
ArraburyAABArrabury QLAustralia no routes recorded
AbingdonABGAbingoonAustralia no routes recorded
Alpha AirportABHAlpha QLAustralia no routes recorded
Bamaga AirportABMBamaga QLAustralia no routes recorded
Albury AirportABXAlbury NSAustralia no routes recorded
AndamookaADOAndamookaAustralia no routes recorded
AgnewAGWAgnewAustralia no routes recorded
Argyle DownsAGYArgyle DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Albany AirportALHAlbany WAAustralia no routes recorded
Amata AirportAMTAmata NTAustralia no routes recorded
AmmarooAMXAmmarooAustralia no routes recorded
Angas DownsANZAngus DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Armidale AirportARMArmidale NSAustralia no routes recorded
Ararat AirportARYArarat VIAustralia no routes recorded
Alice Springs AirportASPAlice Springs NTAustralia4
August Down AirportAUDAugustus Downs QLAustralia no routes recorded
Aurukum AirportAUUAurukun Mission QLAustralia2
AuvergneAVGAuvergneAustralia no routes recorded
Avalon AirportAVVAvalon VIAustralia no routes recorded
Alton DownsAWNAlton DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Austral DownsAWPAustral DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Aramac AirportAXCAramac QLAustralia no routes recorded
AlexandriaAXLAlexandriaAustralia no routes recorded
Alroy DownsAYDAlroy DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Anthony LagoonAYLAnthony LagoonAustralia no routes recorded
Connellan AirportAYQAyers Rock NTAustralia no routes recorded
Ayr AirportAYRAyr QLAustralia no routes recorded
Big BellBBEBig BellAustralia no routes recorded
Barcaldin AirportBCIBarcaldine QLAustralia no routes recorded
BolwarraBCKTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Bickerton IslandBCZBickerton IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Bundaberg AirportBDBBundaberg QLAustralia no routes recorded
Badu IslandBDDBadu IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Bedford DownsBDWBedford DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Beagle BayBEEBeagle BayAustralia no routes recorded
Newcastle BelmontBEONewcastleAustralia no routes recorded
Bedourie AirportBEUBedourie QLAustralia no routes recorded
BloomfieldBFCBloomfieldAustralia no routes recorded
Broken Hill AirportBHQBroken Hill NSAustralia no routes recorded
Raglan AirportBHSBathurst NSAustralia no routes recorded
Brighton DownsBHTBrighton DownsAustralia no routes recorded
BulimbaBIPBulimbaAustralia no routes recorded
BillilunaBIWBilliluna StationAustralia no routes recorded
Barkly DownsBKPBarkly DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Blackall AirportBKQBlackall QLAustralia no routes recorded
Benalla AirportBLNBenalla VIAustralia no routes recorded
Bollon AirportBLSBollon QLAustralia no routes recorded
Blackwater AirportBLTBlackwater QLAustralia no routes recorded
Broome AirportBMEBroome WAAustralia11
Brampton IslandBMPBrampton IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Brisbane International AirportBNEBrisbane QLAustralia39
Ballina AirportBNKBallina NSAustralia5
Borroloola AirportBOXBorroloola NTAustralia no routes recorded
Boulia AirportBQLBoulia QLAustralia no routes recorded
Balgo Hill AirportBQWBalgo Hills WAAustralia no routes recorded
BrightBRJBrightAustralia no routes recorded
Bourke AirportBRKBourke NSAustralia no routes recorded
Bathurst Island AirportBRTBathurst Island NTAustralia no routes recorded
Bairnsdale AirportBSJBairnsdale VIAustralia no routes recorded
Brunette DownsBTDBrunette DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Betoota AirportBTXBetoota QLAustralia no routes recorded
Burketown AirportBUCBurketown QLAustralia no routes recorded
Bunbury AirportBUYBunbury WAAustralia no routes recorded
Birdsville AirportBVIBirdsville QLAustralia no routes recorded
Batavia DownsBVWBatavia DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Beverley SpringsBVZBeverley SpringsAustralia no routes recorded
Babo AirportBWBBarrow Island WAAustralia no routes recorded
BrewarrinaBWQBrewarrinaAustralia no routes recorded
Burnie Wynyard AirportBWTBurnie TSAustralia no routes recorded
Bankstown AirportBWUBankstown NSAustralia no routes recorded
Balranald AirportBZDBalranald NSAustralia no routes recorded
BizantBZPBizantAustralia no routes recorded
Cobar AirportCAZCobar NSAustralia no routes recorded
CherrabunCBCCherrabunAustralia no routes recorded
Canberra AirportCBRCanberra ACAustralia16
Condobolin AirportCBXCondobolin NSAustralia no routes recorded
CanobieCBYCanobieAustralia no routes recorded
Cocos Islands AirportCCKCocos IslandsAustralia no routes recorded
Chincilla AirportCCLChinchilla QLAustralia no routes recorded
Cowell AirportCCWCowell SAAustralia no routes recorded
Cooinda AirportCDACooinda NTAustralia no routes recorded
Croydon AirportCDQCroydon QLAustralia no routes recorded
Camden AirportCDUCamden NSAustralia no routes recorded
Ceduna AirportCEDCeduna SAAustralia no routes recorded
Cessnock AirportCESCessnock NSAustralia no routes recorded
Clifton HillsCFHClifton HillsAustralia no routes recorded
CamfieldCFICamfieldAustralia no routes recorded
Carpentaria DownsCFPCarpentaria DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Coffs Harbour AirportCFSCoffs Harbour NSWAustralia7
CaigunaCGVCaigumaAustralia no routes recorded
CollieCIECollieAustralia no routes recorded
Croker Island AirportCKICroker Island NTAustralia no routes recorded
Coolah AirportCLHCoolah NSAustralia no routes recorded
Cunnamulla AirportCMACunnamulla QLAustralia no routes recorded
Cootamund AirportCMDCootamundra NSAustralia no routes recorded
CamoowealCMLCamoowealAustralia no routes recorded
Clermont AirportCMQClermont QLAustralia no routes recorded
Coonamble AirportCNBCoonamble NSAustralia no routes recorded
Coconut IslandCNCTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Cloncurry AirportCNJCloncurry QLAustralia no routes recorded
Cairns AirportCNSCairns QLAustralia33
CoolibahCOBCoolibahAustralia no routes recorded
Coonabara AirportCOJCoonabarabran NSAustralia no routes recorded
CoolawanyahCOYCoolawanyahAustralia no routes recorded
Coober Ped AirportCPDCoober Pedy SAAustralia no routes recorded
Cape FlatteryCQPCape FlatteryAustralia no routes recorded
CollarenebriCRBCollarenebriAustralia no routes recorded
CherribahCRHCherribahAustralia no routes recorded
CoorabieCRJCoorabieAustralia no routes recorded
Carlton HillCRYCarlton HillAustralia no routes recorded
Cresswell DownsCSDCresswell DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Casino AirportCSICasino NSAustralia no routes recorded
Charleville AirportCTLCharleville QLAustralia no routes recorded
Cooktown AirportCTNCooktown QLAustralia2
Cattle CreekCTRCattle CreekAustralia no routes recorded
Caloundra AirportCUDCaloundra QLAustralia no routes recorded
Orange CudalCUGCudalAustralia no routes recorded
Coen AirportCUQCoen QLAustralia4
Cue AirportCUYCue WAAustralia no routes recorded
Cleve AirportCVCCleve SAAustralia no routes recorded
Carnarvon AirportCVQCarnarvon WAAustralia no routes recorded
CowarieCWRCowarieAustralia no routes recorded
Cowra AirportCWTCowra NSAustralia no routes recorded
Corowa AirportCWWCorowa NSAustralia no routes recorded
Christmas CreekCXQChristmas CreekAustralia no routes recorded
Charters T AirportCXTCharters Towers QLAustralia no routes recorded
Ciiryong AirportCYGCorryong VIAustralia no routes recorded
ClunyCZYClunyAustralia no routes recorded
Dauan IslandDAJDauan IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Dubbo AirportDBODubbo NSAustralia no routes recorded
Dalby AirportDBYDalby QLAustralia no routes recorded
Daydream IslandDDIDaydream IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Delta Dns AirportDDNDelta Downs QLAustralia no routes recorded
DrumduffDFPDrumduffAustralia no routes recorded
Mudgee AirportDGEMudgee NSAustralia no routes recorded
Durham Dn AirportDHDDurham Downs QLAustralia no routes recorded
Dunk Island TownshipDKIDunk IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Docker River AirportDKVDocker River NTAustralia no routes recorded
DulkaninnaDLKDulkaninnaAustralia no routes recorded
Delissavil AirportDLVDelissaville NTAustralia no routes recorded
Doomadgee AirportDMDDoomadgee QLAustralia no routes recorded
Dunbar AirportDNBDunbar QLAustralia no routes recorded
DenhamDNMDenhamAustralia no routes recorded
Deniliquin AirportDNQDeniliquin NSAustralia no routes recorded
DongaraDOXDongaraAustralia no routes recorded
Devonport AirportDPODevonport TSAustralia no routes recorded
Derby AirportDRBDerby WAAustralia no routes recorded
Dorunda St AirportDRDDorunda Station QLAustralia no routes recorded
Dirranban AirportDRNDirranbandi QLAustralia no routes recorded
Durrie AirportDRRDurrie QLAustralia no routes recorded
Darwin AirportDRWDarwin NTAustralia19
Davenport Downs AirportDVPDavenport Downs QLAustralia no routes recorded
Daly RiverDVRDaly RiverAustralia no routes recorded
DixieDXDDixieAustralia no routes recorded
Dysart AirportDYADysart QLAustralia no routes recorded
Diamantina LakesDYMDiamantina LakesAustralia no routes recorded
Daly WatersDYWDaly WatersAustralia no routes recorded
Echuca AirportECHEchuca VIAustralia no routes recorded
ErldundaEDDErldundaAustralia no routes recorded
Edward RiverEDREdward RiverAustralia no routes recorded
EinasleighEIHEinasleighAustralia no routes recorded
ElkedraEKDElkedraAustralia no routes recorded
Elcho Island AirportELCElcho Island NTAustralia no routes recorded
Emerald AirportEMDEmerald QLAustralia no routes recorded
EneabbaENBEneabbaAustralia no routes recorded
Esperance AirportEPREsperance WAAustralia no routes recorded
Ernabella AirportERBErnabella SAAustralia no routes recorded
EtadunnaETDEtadunnaAustralia no routes recorded
EuclaEUCEuclaAustralia no routes recorded
Eva DownsEVDEva DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Evanshead AirportEVHEvans Head NSAustralia no routes recorded
Exmouth GulfEXMExmouthAustralia no routes recorded
FinkeFIKFinkeAustralia no routes recorded
Fitzroy Creek AirportFIZFitzroy Crossing WAAustralia no routes recorded
Falls CreekFLCFalls CreekAustralia no routes recorded
Flinders Island AirportFLSFlinders Island TSAustralia no routes recorded
FinleyFLYFinleyAustralia no routes recorded
ForrestFOSForrestAustralia no routes recorded
Forster AirportFOTForster NSAustralia no routes recorded
Forbes AirportFRBForbes NSAustralia no routes recorded
Fossil DownsFSLFossil DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Gayndah AirportGAHGayndah QLAustralia no routes recorded
Goulburn IslandGBLGoulburn IslandAustralia no routes recorded
GamboolaGBPGamboolaAustralia no routes recorded
Gibb River AirportGBVGibb River WAAustralia no routes recorded
Gordon DownsGDDGordon DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Geraldtown AirportGETGeraldton WAAustralia no routes recorded
GeelongGEXGeelongAustralia no routes recorded
GrenfellGFEGrenfellAustralia no routes recorded
Griffith AirportGFFGriffith NSAustralia no routes recorded
Grafton AirportGFNGrafton NSAustralia no routes recorded
Gregorgy Down AirportGGDGregory Downs QLAustralia no routes recorded
Boigu IslandGICBoigu IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Great Keppel IslandGKLGreat Keppel IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Glengyle AirportGLGGlengyle QLAustralia no routes recorded
Glen Inne AirportGLIGlen Innes NSAustralia no routes recorded
Glenormiston AirportGLMGlenormiston QLAustralia no routes recorded
Gladstone AirportGLTGladstone QLAustralia no routes recorded
Mt. GoldsworthyGLYTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Goondiwin AirportGOOGoondiwindi QLAustralia no routes recorded
GosfordGOSGosfordAustralia no routes recorded
Nhulunbuy AirportGOVGove NTAustralia1
Garden Pnt AirportGPNGarden Point NTAustralia no routes recorded
Gascoyne JunctionGSCGascoyne JunctionAustralia no routes recorded
Mount GunsonGSNTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Alyangula AirportGTEGroote Eylandt NTAustralia1
GranitesGTSGranitesAustralia no routes recorded
Georgetown Ql AirportGTTGeorgetown QLAustralia no routes recorded
Gunnedah AirportGUHGunnedah NSAustralia no routes recorded
Goulburn AirportGULGoulburn NSAustralia no routes recorded
Greenvale Miner LakeGVPGreenvaleAustralia no routes recorded
Argyle AirportGYLArgyle WAAustralia no routes recorded
Gympie AirportGYPGympie QLAustralia no routes recorded
Kontiki Rst WhitsundayHAPWhitsunday Kontiki Resort (Long I.)Australia no routes recorded
HeathlandsHATHeathlandsAustralia no routes recorded
Hobart AirportHBAHobart TSAustralia19
Halls Creek AirportHCQHalls Creek WAAustralia no routes recorded
Hughenden AirportHGDHughenden QLAustralia no routes recorded
Horn Island AirportHIDHorn Island QLAustralia2
HighburyHIGTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Hook IslandHIHHook IslandAustralia no routes recorded
HeadinglyHIPHeadinglyAustralia no routes recorded
Hayman IslandHISHayman IslandAustralia no routes recorded
HillsideHLLHillsideAustralia no routes recorded
St. HelensHLSSt. HelensAustralia no routes recorded
Hamilton Vi AirportHLTHamilton VIAustralia no routes recorded
HelenvaleHLVHelenvaleAustralia no routes recorded
Hermannsburg AirportHMGHermannsburg NTAustralia no routes recorded
Hinchinbrook IslandHNKHinchinbrooke IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Hooker Creek AirportHOKHooker Creek NTAustralia no routes recorded
Hope ValeHPEHope ValeAustralia no routes recorded
Heron Island HlptHRNHeron IslandAustralia no routes recorded
HenburyHRYHenburyAustralia no routes recorded
Hamilton Ql AirportHTIHamilton Island QLAustralia no routes recorded
Hopetoun AirportHTUHopetoun VIAustralia no routes recorded
Humbert RiverHUBHumbert RiverAustralia no routes recorded
Hervey Bay AirportHVBHervey Bay QLAustralia3
Hawker Wilpena PdHWKHawkerAustralia no routes recorded
Hay AirportHXXHay NSAustralia no routes recorded
Indulkana AirportIDKIndulkana SAAustralia no routes recorded
Iffley AirportIFFIffley QLAustralia no routes recorded
Innisfail AirportIFLInnisfail QLAustralia no routes recorded
Ingham AirportIGHIngham QLAustralia no routes recorded
Inkerman AirportIKPInkerman QLAustralia no routes recorded
Injune AirportINJInjune QLAustralia no routes recorded
Innamincka AirportINMInnamincka SAAustralia no routes recorded
Lockhart AirportIRGLockhart River QLAustralia4
Mount Isa AirportISAMount Isa QLAustralia no routes recorded
Isisford AirportISIIsisford QLAustralia no routes recorded
InverellIVRInverellAustralia no routes recorded
InverwayIVWInverwayAustralia no routes recorded
Jabiru AirportJABJabiru NTAustralia no routes recorded
Jandakot AirportJADJandakot WAAustralia no routes recorded
Julia Creek AirportJCKJulia Creek QLAustralia no routes recorded
Fremantle HlptJFMFremantleAustralia no routes recorded
Shute Harbour HlptJHQShute HarbourAustralia no routes recorded
Jundah AirportJUNJundah QLAustralia no routes recorded
Jurien BayJURJurien BayAustralia no routes recorded
Melbourne City HlptKAHMelbourneAustralia no routes recorded
Kalbarri AirportKAXKalbarri WAAustralia no routes recorded
KirkimbieKBBKirkimbieAustralia no routes recorded
Kimberly DownsKBDKimberly DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Streaky BayKBYStreaky BayAustralia no routes recorded
Collinsville AirportKCECollinsville QLAustralia no routes recorded
Kings Creek StationKCSKings Creek StationAustralia no routes recorded
KambaldaKDBKambaldaAustralia no routes recorded
Kamaran DownsKDSKamaran DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Kalkurung AirportKFGKalkurung NTAustralia no routes recorded
Kingscote AirportKGCKingscote SAAustralia no routes recorded
Kalgoorlie AirportKGIKalgoorlie WAAustralia3
KulgeraKGRKulgeraAustralia no routes recorded
Kingaroy AirportKGYKingaroy QLAustralia no routes recorded
KoolburraKKPKoolburraAustralia no routes recorded
Kamileroi AirportKMLKamileroi QLAustralia no routes recorded
KatanningKNIKatanningAustralia no routes recorded
Kununurra AirportKNXKununurra WAAustralia2
KoolatahKOHKoolatahAustralia no routes recorded
KalpowarKPPKalpowarAustralia no routes recorded
Kempsey AirportKPSKempsey NSAustralia no routes recorded
Kerang AirportKRAKerang VIAustralia no routes recorded
Karumba AirportKRBKarumba QLAustralia2
KurundiKRDKurundiAustralia no routes recorded
Springvale KvernbergtKSVSpringvaleAustralia no routes recorded
Karratha AirportKTAKarratha WAAustralia no routes recorded
Tindal AirportKTRKatherine NTAustralia no routes recorded
Kubin IslandKUGKubin IslandAustralia no routes recorded
KowanyamaKWMKowanyamaAustralia no routes recorded
YeelirrieKYFWhitsundayAustralia no routes recorded
Yalata MissionKYIYalata MissionAustralia no routes recorded
Sydney Palm BeachLBHSydneyAustralia no routes recorded
BalcanoonaLCNBalcanoonaAustralia no routes recorded
Lindeman IslandLDCLindeman IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Lord How Island AirportLDHLord Howe Island NSAustralia no routes recorded
LansdowneLDWLansdowne StationAustralia no routes recorded
Learmonth AirportLEALearmonth WAAustralia no routes recorded
Lake Evell AirportLELLake Evella NTAustralia no routes recorded
Leinster AirportLERLeinster WAAustralia no routes recorded
LakefieldLFPLakefieldAustralia no routes recorded
Leigh Creek AirportLGHLeigh Creek SAAustralia no routes recorded
Lightnin R AirportLHGLightning Ridge NSAustralia no routes recorded
LimbunyaLIBLimbunyaAustralia no routes recorded
Lakeland DownsLKDLakeland DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Chillagoe AirportLLGChillagoe QLAustralia no routes recorded
LissadelLLLLissadelAustralia no routes recorded
Linda DownsLLPLinda DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Lake NashLNHLake NashAustralia no routes recorded
Leonora AirportLNOLeonora WAAustralia no routes recorded
Lorraine AirportLOALorraine QLAustralia no routes recorded
LockLOCLockAustralia no routes recorded
Longreach AirportLRELongreach QLAustralia no routes recorded
Lismore AirportLSYLismore NSAustralia no routes recorded
Latrobe AirportLTBLatrobe TSAustralia no routes recorded
LyndhurstLTPLyndhurstAustralia no routes recorded
Lotus ValeLTVLotusvaleAustralia no routes recorded
Laura StationLUTLaura StationAustralia no routes recorded
LauraLUULauraAustralia no routes recorded
Laverton AirportLVOLaverton WAAustralia no routes recorded
Lawn Hill AirportLWHLawn Hill QLAustralia no routes recorded
Lady Elliot IslandLYTLady Elliott IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Lizard IslandLZRLizard IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Marble Bar AirportMBBMarble Bar WAAustralia no routes recorded
Maryboroug AirportMBHMaryborough QLAustralia no routes recorded
Mt. BarnettMBNMount BarnettAustralia no routes recorded
Moorabbin AirportMBWMelbourne VICAustralia no routes recorded
Mac Arthur RiverMCVMcArthur RiverAustralia no routes recorded
Maroochydore AirportMCYSunshine Coast QLAustralia6
Essendon AirportMEBMelbourne VIAustralia no routes recorded
Tullamarine AirportMELMelbourne VIAustralia38
MoretonMETMoretonAustralia no routes recorded
Mt. Full StopMFLMt. Full StopAustralia no routes recorded
Manners CreekMFPManners CreekAustralia no routes recorded
Mount Gambier AirportMGBMount Gambier SAAustralia no routes recorded
Millingimb AirportMGTMilingimbi NTAustralia no routes recorded
Margaret River AirportMGVMargaret River Station WAAustralia no routes recorded
Mount House AirportMHOMount House WAAustralia no routes recorded
Mount HothamMHUMount HothamAustralia no routes recorded
Mitchell PlateauMIHMitchell PlateauAustralia no routes recorded
Merimbula AirportMIMMerimbula NSAustralia no routes recorded
Minnipa AirportMINMinnipa SAAustralia no routes recorded
MainoruMIZMainoruAustralia no routes recorded
ManjimupMJPManjimupAustralia no routes recorded
Meekatharr AirportMKRMeekatharra WAAustralia no routes recorded
Mt. CavenaghMKVTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Mackay AirportMKYMackay QLAustralia12
Millicent AirportMLRMillicent SAAustralia no routes recorded
MerlunaMLVMerlunaAustralia no routes recorded
Mount Magnet AirportMMGMount Magnet WAAustralia no routes recorded
Middlemoun AirportMMMMiddlemount QLAustralia no routes recorded
MungaranieMNEMungeranieAustralia no routes recorded
Maningrida AirportMNGManingrida NTAustralia1
Monto AirportMNQMonto QLAustralia no routes recorded
Mountain ValleyMNVTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Macdonald DownsMNWMacDonald DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Moomba AirportMOOMoomba SAAustralia no routes recorded
Moranbah AirportMOVMoranbah QLAustralia no routes recorded
MandoraMQAMandoraAustralia no routes recorded
MarquaMQEMarquaAustralia no routes recorded
Mildura AirportMQLMildura VIAustralia no routes recorded
Miners LakeMRLMiners LakeAustralia no routes recorded
Marla AirportMRPMarla SAAustralia no routes recorded
Moroak River MoroakMRTMordakAustralia no routes recorded
Moree AirportMRZMoree NSAustralia no routes recorded
Mt. SwanMSFMt. SwanAustralia no routes recorded
Mt. SandfordMTDMt. SanfordAustralia no routes recorded
Maitland AirportMTLMaitland NSAustralia no routes recorded
Mitchell AirportMTQMitchell QLAustralia no routes recorded
Mulga ParkMUPMulga ParkAustralia no routes recorded
MuccanMUQMuccanAustralia no routes recorded
MulkaMVKMulkaAustralia no routes recorded
MusgraveMVUMusgraveAustralia no routes recorded
Morawa AirportMWBMorawa WAAustralia no routes recorded
MoolawatanaMWTMoolawatanaAustralia no routes recorded
Miranda DownsMWYMiranda DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Marion DownsMXDMarion DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Mitchell RiverMXQMitchell RiverAustralia no routes recorded
Mullewa AirportMXUMullewa WAAustralia no routes recorded
Moruya AirportMYAMoruya NSAustralia no routes recorded
Murray IslandsMYIMurray IslandsAustralia no routes recorded
MyroodahMYOMyroodahAustralia no routes recorded
Narrabri AirportNAANarrabri NSAustralia no routes recorded
Naracoorte AirportNACNaracoorte SAAustralia no routes recorded
Nambucca HeadsNBHNambucca HeadsAustralia no routes recorded
SandstoneNDSSandstoneAustralia no routes recorded
Young AirportNGAYoung NSAustralia no routes recorded
NoonkanbahNKBNoonkanbahAustralia no routes recorded
Darnley IslandNLFDarnley IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Nullagine AirportNLLNullagine WAAustralia no routes recorded
NicholsonNLSNicholsonAustralia no routes recorded
New MoonNMPNew MoonAustralia no routes recorded
Nappa Merry AirportNMRNappa Merry QLAustralia no routes recorded
Nowra AirportNOANowra NSAustralia no routes recorded
NapperbyNPPNapperbyAustralia no routes recorded
Narrander AirportNRANarrandera NSAustralia no routes recorded
NarroginNRGNarroginAustralia no routes recorded
NewryNRYNewryAustralia no routes recorded
NoosaNSANoosaAustralia no routes recorded
Norseman AirportNSMNorseman WAAustralia no routes recorded
Scone AirportNSOScone NSAustralia no routes recorded
NoosavilleNSVNoosavilleAustralia no routes recorded
Newcastle WilliamtwnNTLNewcastleAustralia11
Normanton AirportNTNNormanton QLAustralia no routes recorded
Numbulwar AirportNUBNumbulwar NTAustralia no routes recorded
NullarborNURNullarborAustralia no routes recorded
Nyngan AirportNYNNyngan NSAustralia no routes recorded
Springhill AirportOAGOrange NSAustralia no routes recorded
ObanOBAObanAustralia no routes recorded
Oodnadatta AirportODDOodnadatta SAAustralia no routes recorded
Cordillo DownsODLCordillo DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Ord RiverODROrd RiverAustralia no routes recorded
Orchid Beach Fraser IsOKBTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Yorke IslandsOKRYorke IslandsAustralia4
Oakey AirportOKYOakey QLAustralia no routes recorded
Olympic Da AirportOLPOlympic Dam SAAustralia no routes recorded
Mornington AirportONGMornington QLAustralia no routes recorded
MonkiraONRMonkiraAustralia no routes recorded
OnslowONSOnslowAustralia no routes recorded
Gold Coast CoolangataOOLGold CoastAustralia19
Cooma AirportOOMCooma NSAustralia no routes recorded
Mooraberree AirportOORMooraberree QLAustralia no routes recorded
Oenpelli AirportOPIOenpelli NTAustralia no routes recorded
YorketownORRYorketownAustralia no routes recorded
Orpheus Is. Resort WaterportORSTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
OrientosOXOOrientosAustralia no routes recorded
Morney AirportOXYMorney QLAustralia no routes recorded
OuyenOYNOuyenAustralia no routes recorded
Paraburdoo AirportPBOParaburdoo WAAustralia no routes recorded
Pandie PandiePDEPandie PandieAustralia no routes recorded
ParndanaPDNParndanaAustralia no routes recorded
PenneshawPEATwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
PeppimenartiPEPPeppimenartiAustralia no routes recorded
Perth AirportPERPerth WAAustralia22
PenongPEYPenongAustralia no routes recorded
Port Hedland AirportPHEPort Hedland WAAustralia no routes recorded
Newport News/williamsb AirportPHFWilliamsburg VAAustralia2
Port HunterPHJPort HunterAustralia no routes recorded
Parkes AirportPKEParkes NSAustralia no routes recorded
Port Keats AirportPKTPort Keats NTAustralia no routes recorded
Port Lincoln AirportPLOPort Lincoln SAAustralia no routes recorded
Palm IslandPMKPalm IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Port Pirie AirportPPIPort Pirie SAAustralia no routes recorded
Proserpine AirportPPPProserpine QLAustralia7
Port Macquar AirportPQQPort Macquarie NSAustralia no routes recorded
PardooPRDPardooAustralia no routes recorded
Port StephensPTEPort StephensAustralia no routes recorded
Port DouglasPTIPort DouglasAustralia no routes recorded
Portland AirportPTJPortland VIAustralia no routes recorded
Port Augusta AirportPUGPort Augusta SAAustralia no routes recorded
Batemans BayQBWBatemans BayAustralia no routes recorded
NaroomaQRXNaroomaAustralia no routes recorded
Smiggin HolesQZCSmiggin HolesAustralia no routes recorded
Raminginin AirportRAMRamingining NTAustralia no routes recorded
Robinvale AirportRBCRobinvale VIAustralia no routes recorded
RoebourneRBURoebourneAustralia no routes recorded
Richmond AirportRCMRichmond QLAustralia no routes recorded
American RiverRCNAmerican RiverAustralia no routes recorded
Rockhampton DownsRDARockhampton DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Roy HillRHLRoy HillAustralia no routes recorded
RokebyRKYRokebyAustralia no routes recorded
Rosella PlainsRLPRosella PlainsAustralia no routes recorded
Roma AirportRMARoma QLAustralia no routes recorded
Renmark AirportRMKRenmark SAAustralia no routes recorded
RobinhoodROHRobinhoodAustralia no routes recorded
Roper BarRPBTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Ngukurr/roper R Mi AirportRPMNgukurr NTAustralia no routes recorded
Roper ValleyRPVRoper ValleyAustralia no routes recorded
MarreeRREMarreeAustralia no routes recorded
Robinson RiverRRVRobinson RiverAustralia no routes recorded
Roseberth AirportRSBRoseberth QLAustralia no routes recorded
Sydney Rose BayRSESydneyAustralia no routes recorded
Rutland Pl AirportRTPRutland Plains QLAustralia no routes recorded
Rottnest Island AirportRTSRottnest Island WAAustralia no routes recorded
MertyRTYMertyAustralia no routes recorded
Saibai IslandSBRSaibai IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Spring CreekSCGSpring CreekAustralia no routes recorded
Surfers ParadiseSFPSurfers ParadiseAustralia no routes recorded
Saint George AirportSGOSt George QLAustralia no routes recorded
Shay GapSGPShay GapAustralia no routes recorded
Southport AirportSHQSouthport QLAustralia no routes recorded
Shepparton AirportSHTShepparton VIAustralia no routes recorded
Smith PointSHUSmith PointAustralia no routes recorded
Smithton AirportSIOSmithton TSAustralia no routes recorded
SingletonSIXSingletonAustralia no routes recorded
Snake Bay AirportSNBSnake Bay NTAustralia no routes recorded
Stanthorpe AirportSNHStanthorpe QLAustralia no routes recorded
South Molle IslandSOISouth Molle IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Southern Cross AirportSQCSouthern Cross WAAustralia no routes recorded
StarckeSQPStarckeAustralia no routes recorded
SandringhamSRMSandringhamAustralia no routes recorded
Strahan AirportSRNStrahan TSAustralia no routes recorded
Sturt CreekSSKSturt CreekAustralia no routes recorded
Silver PlainsSSPSilver PlainsAustralia no routes recorded
Stephen IslandSTFTwo Locations Appear To Share This Code:Australia no routes recorded
Shaw RiverSWBShaw RiverAustralia no routes recorded
StawellSWCStawellAustralia no routes recorded
Swan Hill AirportSWHSwan Hill VIAustralia no routes recorded
SaleSXESaleAustralia no routes recorded
Sydney Airport - Kingsford SmithSYDSydney NSWAustralia50
Sue Island WarraberSYUSue IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Mabuiag IslandUBBMabuiag IslandAustralia no routes recorded
Kalumburu AirportUBUKalumburu WAAustralia no routes recorded
UndarraUDAUndarraAustralia no routes recorded
Queenstow AirportUEEQueenstown TSAustralia no routes recorded
Quirindi AirportUIRQuirindi NSAustralia no routes recorded
Quilpie AirportULPQuilpie QLAustralia no routes recorded
Woomera AirportUMRWoomera SAAustralia no routes recorded
Useless LoopUSLUseless LoopAustralia no routes recorded
Muttaburra AirportUTBMuttaburra QLAustralia no routes recorded
Nutwood DownsUTDNutwood DownsAustralia no routes recorded
Victoria R AirportVCDVictoria River Downs NTAustralia no routes recorded
Vanrook AirportVNRVanrook QLAustralia no routes recorded
WaverneyWANWaverneyAustralia no routes recorded
WauchopeWAUWauchopeAustralia no routes recorded
Wave Hill KalkgurungWAVWave HillAustralia no routes recorded
WarwickWAZWarwickAustralia no routes recorded
Warraber IslandWBAWarraber IslandAustralia no routes recorded
WondaiWDIWondaiAustralia no routes recorded
Weipa AirportWEIWeipa QLAustralia no routes recorded
Wee Waa AirportWEWWee Waa NSAustralia no routes recorded
Forrest Hill AirportWGAWagga Wagga NSAustralia no routes recorded
Walgett AirportWGEWalgett NSAustralia no routes recorded
Wangaratta AirportWGTWangaratta VIAustralia no routes recorded
WelshpoolWHLWelshpoolAustralia no routes recorded
Winton AirportWINWinton QLAustralia no routes recorded
Wilcannia AirportWIOWilcannia NSAustralia no routes recorded
Wittenoom AirportWITWittenoom WAAustralia no routes recorded
WallalWLAWallalAustralia no routes recorded
WalchaWLCWalchaAustralia no routes recorded
WollogorangWLLWollogorangAustralia no routes recorded
WaterlooWLOWaterlooAustralia no routes recorded
Warrnambo AirportWMBWarrnambool VIAustralia no routes recorded
WindarraWNDWindarraAustralia no routes recorded
Windorah AirportWNRWindorah QLAustralia no routes recorded
WoodgreenWOGWoodgreenAustralia no routes recorded
Wollongong AirportWOLWollongong NSAustralia no routes recorded
Wondoola AirportWONWondoola QLAustralia no routes recorded
Wrotham P AirportWPKWrotham Park QLAustralia no routes recorded
WarrawagineWRWWarranagineAustralia no routes recorded
Airlie Beach WhitsundayWSYAirlie BeachAustralia no routes recorded
Wudinna AirportWUDWudinna SAAustralia no routes recorded
Wiluna AirportWUNWiluna WAAustralia no routes recorded
Wt Wyalong AirportWWYWest Wyalong NSAustralia no routes recorded
Whyalla AirportWYAWhyalla SAAustralia no routes recorded
Wyndham AirportWYNWyndham WAAustralia no routes recorded
Christmas Island AirportXCHChristmas IslandAustralia no routes recorded
ColacXCOColacAustralia no routes recorded
Mallacoota AirportXMCMallacoota VIAustralia no routes recorded
MinlatonXMLMinaltonAustralia no routes recorded
Yam IslandXMYYam IslandAustralia no routes recorded
YalgooYLGYalgooAustralia no routes recorded
Yuendumu AirportYUEYuendumu NTAustralia no routes recorded
BiloelaZBLBiloelaAustralia no routes recorded
Bowen AirportZBOBowen QLAustralia no routes recorded
South Galway AirportZGLSouth Galway QLAustralia no routes recorded
Mount Newman AirportZNENewman WAAustralia no routes recorded
SpringvaleZVGSpringvaleAustralia no routes recorded
King IslandKNSKing IslandAustralia no routes recorded
SydneyQSYSydneyAustralia no routes recorded
TamworthTMWTamworthAustralia no routes recorded
Horn IslandTISThursday IslandAustralia no routes recorded
ToowoombaTWBToowoombaAustralia no routes recorded
417 airline routes in total fly in or out of Australia (note - data incomplete: real figure will likely be higher)