I want to fly from to


The following is a list of all airports in Ethiopia.
Some of these will be military airports, or very minor airports, without scheduled services.
Airport nameAirport codeCityCountryNumber of Routes
Kabri Dar AirportABKKabri DarEthiopia no routes recorded
Bole AirportADDAddis AbabaEthiopia8
AselaALKAselaEthiopia no routes recorded
Arba Mintch AirportAMHArba MintchEthiopia2
Assab AirportASAAssabEthiopia no routes recorded
Asmara International AirportASMAsmaraEthiopia no routes recorded
Asosa AirportASOAsosaEthiopia2
Awassa AirportAWAAwassaEthiopia no routes recorded
AwarehAWHAwarehEthiopia no routes recorded
Axum AirportAXUAxumEthiopia no routes recorded
Baco/jinka AirportBCOJinkaEthiopia1
Bulchi AirportBCYBulchiEthiopia no routes recorded
Beica AirportBEIBeicaEthiopia no routes recorded
Bahar Dar AirportBJRBahar DarEthiopia no routes recorded
Debra Marcos AirportDBMDebra MarcosEthiopia no routes recorded
Debra TaborDBTDebra TaborEthiopia no routes recorded
Dembidollo AirportDEMDembidolloEthiopia1
Degahbur AirportDGCDegahburEthiopia no routes recorded
Aba Tenna D Yilma AirportDIRDire DawaEthiopia no routes recorded
Combolcha AirportDSEDessieEthiopia no routes recorded
Neghelli AirportEGLNeghelliEthiopia no routes recorded
Gena Wuha/metemma AirportETEGenda WuhaEthiopia no routes recorded
Fincha AirportFNHFinchaEthiopia no routes recorded
Gode AirportGDEGode/IddidoleEthiopia no routes recorded
Gondar AirportGDQGondarEthiopia no routes recorded
Geladi AirportGLCGeladiEthiopia no routes recorded
Gambela AirportGMBGambelaEthiopia2
Ghinnir AirportGNNGhinnirEthiopia no routes recorded
Goba AirportGOBGobaEthiopia no routes recorded
Gore AirportGORGoreEthiopia2
ShillavoHILShillavoEthiopia no routes recorded
Humera AirportHUEHumeraEthiopia no routes recorded
Jimma AirportJIMJimmaEthiopia4
Kelafo AirportLFOKelafo/CallafEthiopia no routes recorded
Lalibela AirportLLILalibelaEthiopia no routes recorded
ChagniMKDMetekelEthiopia no routes recorded
Mekane SelamMKSMekane SalemEthiopia no routes recorded
Makale AirportMQXMakaleEthiopia no routes recorded
Massawa AirportMSWMassawaEthiopia no routes recorded
Mizan Teferi AirportMTFMizan TeferiEthiopia1
Mui AirportMUJMuiEthiopia no routes recorded
MoyaleMYSMoyaleEthiopia no routes recorded
Masslo/mena AirportMZXMenaEthiopia no routes recorded
Mendi AirportNDMMendiEthiopia no routes recorded
Nejjo AirportNEJNejjoEthiopia no routes recorded
Nekemt AirportNEKNekemtEthiopia no routes recorded
Mota AirportOTAMotaEthiopia no routes recorded
Pawi BelesPWIPawi [Beles]Ethiopia no routes recorded
IndaselassieSHCIndaselassieEthiopia no routes recorded
ShakisoSKRShakisoEthiopia no routes recorded
Soddu AirportSXUSodduEthiopia no routes recorded
Waca AirportWACWacaEthiopia no routes recorded
WarderWRAWarderEthiopia no routes recorded
Buno Bedele AirportXBLBuno BedelleEthiopia no routes recorded
23 airline routes in total fly in or out of Ethiopia (note - data incomplete: real figure will likely be higher)